How to add a link to image block in WordPress?

In older WordPress editor (non Gutenerbg editor) adding link to an image was quickly visible. No doubt the block editor is great, but the option to add a link to image block is somewhat hidden in the toolbar.

  1. Click on the image block, you will see a toolbar. The block toolbar can be just above the block or look on top of your screen to locate the same.
  2. In that toolbar you can click on the link icon and add/apply a link to the image.
  3. You can link the image to any existing page/post on your site or to any external link.
  4. If you want to link it simply to the same image then you need to choose “Media File” option
  5. In case you want to link it to it’s own page where users can comment or see it on the website then you need to choose “Attachment Page” option
  6. Using a small dropdown in the link panel, you can also set whether the link should open in a new tab and if you want to set any custom css class. By default the link will open in the same tab.

Video: Add a link to image block

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