How to easily change media author in WordPress?

Unlike Posts, there is neither ‘Quick Edit’ for media nor the author field directly visible. But yes, the author field is there and you can change the author of media.

By default the ‘Author’ field is not active and is disabled. It needs to be enabled by accessing the ‘Screen Options’. Below are step by step instructions. If you are short of time, please check video at the end of the article:

Total time: 5 minutes

1. Open Media page on WordPress dashboard


Login to your WordPress dashboard and click on ‘Media’ menu on the left side. By default it will open the grid view.

2. Click on the media


Click on the media for which you want to change the author. It will open modal window like this.

3. Click on ‘Edit more details’ link on bottom right


Locate the ‘Edit more details’ link at the bottom right and click on that. It will take you to a separate page where you can edit media details such as title, alt text, caption, description. However, you will not see author field here.

4. Click on ‘Screen Options’ on top right

Locate the ‘Screen Options’ button on top right and click on it. Then you will see ‘Author’ checkbox. Just click on it and then close the ‘Screen Options’ panel.

5. Scroll down to access the media author field


Now if you scroll down on that page, you will notice the ‘Author’ field. Choose the author you want to assign and hit ‘Update’ button on the right side. That’s it you are done!

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