Why use WordPress?

Easy to use

WordPress dashboard is very user friendly. Each backend section has inbuilt brief help/guideline under “Help” section. While you are on any page on the WordPress dashboard, locate the “Help” button in the top right corner. Clicking on that shows up a small pane with brief help text and reference links for detailed help

Available in your own language

Guess what? WordPress is available in 70+ languages. Thus language is not a barrier anymore. If you know English and the person for whom you are building a WordPress website is French then you can have your Dashboard in English and the other person in French. That too on a same WordPress site. Yes!

Many import tools

If your previous site is on Blogger, LiveJournal, Movable Type, TypePad, or Tumblr and you wish to start using WordPress then WordPress has got you covered. It has the importer tools available to migrate your content from any of these and few other platforms.

WordPress is extendable

WordPress has 50K+ plugins available in open source plugins repository. Be it adding forms or social buttons or newsletter subscription or integration Google Analytics. You just name it and the plugin is available for it.

WordPress has many free themes

Similar to plugins, there are number of themes available in WordPress open source themes repository. Thus changing the look & feel of your site is very easy. Unlike plugins, where you can use multiple based on your needs, you can have only one theme active for your site at one point of time.

Gutenberg editor & future roadmap

Since WordPress 5.0 the content editor is no more a classic TinyMCE editor. It is now a feature reach Gutenberg block editor. Everything is block, may it be a heading, paragraph, quote or image. Based on future roadmap of Gutenberg editor, entire in WordPress site would be block driven. This includes navigation menu & widgets too. Thus no more third party page builders.

WordPress has huge community support

Since WordPress is an open source project, widely loved & used by many it has a huge fan following and community support. The project is well documented and has different support forums to address variety of topics

WordPress has matured REST API

Using the WordPress REST API you can create a plugin to provide an entirely new admin experiences for WordPress, build a brand new interactive front-end experience, or bring your WordPress content into completely separate applications.

WordPress has iOS and Android mobile app

Publishing with handheld devices had never been this easy before. WordPress has got an iOS application as well as an Android application. If you are travelling, got an idea, or want to post a photo on your photo blog the WordPress mobile application makes posting on the go very easy.

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