How to install a WordPress plugin?

WordPress plugins allows you to extend it’s default functionality. A plugin can be a free to use plugin or a premium plugin. Free plugins are available under plugins repository

Installing a plugin is pretty easy. You can do it in just 5 simple steps.

Total Time: 10 minutes

Login to your WordPress dashboard

To login on your WordPress dashboard go to your website and type /wp-admin at the end and hit enter. Enter the username & password. That shall take you into the WordPress dashboard aka admin interface.

Navigate to “Plugins” menu

Once you are logged in, locate the “Plugins” menu in the left panel. Take your mouse pointer on the “Plugins” menu. That will pop-out a submenu where you will see “Add New” menu. Click on this menu.

Upload plugin or search a plugin

On this screen you have two options. If you have a zip file of the plugin you can upload that using “Upload Plugin” button. You will need to use this option in case you are installing a custom build plugin or a premium plugin or a plugin which is not available under plugins repository. If you are not sure and have a keyword, then you can use “search a plugin” input field to search a suitable plugin.

Click on “Install Now” button

In either case (Uploading a zip file or searching a plugin) you need to click on “Install Now” button. Once you click, WordPress will do some magic and complete the installation 🙂

Activate the plugin

Once the installation is completed successfully, WordPress will show “Activate” button in place of “Install Now”. Clicking on this will activate the installed plugin for your site.

In case of WordPress Multisite, you will install the plugin on network and activate it for individual site if needed.

Simple, isn’t it?

Although, installing a plugin is simple, many plugins offer lots of setting options. You need to carefully do these settings so that you get most out of the plugin. If you need help installing a plugin on your website, then please feel free to get in touch.


[…] If you don’t find the required plugin in WordPress’ free plugins directory then you might find some other premium plugin on the internet. If not, you can always build your own custom plugin (or get it built from an expert) for your unique requirement. If you have got the intended plugin but don’t know about installing, then check how to install a WordPress plugin. […]

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